Discordant Spirits

Stufe : 19

Gebiet : Silberwald

Start : Emilyn Summers

Ende : Emilyn Summers
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Bekanntheit :
+500 Quecksilber-Gelehrte

Geld : 5 79

XP : 2070

Discordant Spirits

Collect the Locket of Mariel-Taun from Dehrnal, the Branch of Tavril from Eogan, and the Seashell of Thontic from Onnep. Draw them out of hiding by torching their valuables.


Kongeegon is nourished by the Seed of Destruction, and to breach it, we need the Vigil. Yet, though I feel their presence, I cannot hear their counsel. Minions of Hylas have stolen holy relics that would enhance my ability to understand the guidance of the gods.


Do you have the relics? Good. It pains me to feel the Vigil's will, and yet be deaf to their words. Now, however, their intentions will be clear to both of us.