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Stalking Prey: Gurock

Level : 32

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Unknown

End : Andrik Bogdin

Repeatable : Always
 Perspice Hunting Token

Notoriety :
+500 Red Scar Trackers

Money : 9 41

XP : 2160

Stalking Prey: Gurock

Deliver Gurock's Head Trophy to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice.


To prove your victory over Gurock, you collected his head. Turn the trophy in to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice to increase your standing with the hunters there.

Upon completion

Impressive work, [%class]! Not only did you claim a nice trophy, but you made the Auld Warden a little safer for the citizens of Perspice. Here is your token, hunter. How many do you have now?