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All That Glitters

Level : 50

Zone : Charmer's Caldera

Start : Sylver Valis

End : Sylver Valis

Choose one of these rewards :
 Hissing Maul
 Coruscating Summoner's Staff
 Spark Mace
 Smoldering Blade
 Smoldering Greatsword

Notoriety :
+250 Dragonslayer Covenant

Money : 31 50

XP : 5040

All That Glitters

Sylver Valis asks that you use the Ethian Cores scattered throughout Charmer's Caldera.
  • Use the Ethian Devices


The Storm Legion wants to reclaim this ancient Ethian factory. With its power, they can bring any planar creature into our realm and dominate it. With your help, [%NAME], we can disable their machinery and stop this vile plot.

Upon completion

You've done it, [%NAME]! Without the Ethian Cores functioning, the Storm Legion can't generate enough power to open a planar doorway.