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Battle Royale

Level : 40

Zone : Droughtlands

Start : Kemtok Nessain

End : Kemtok Nessain

Choose one of these rewards :
 Arc of the Long Sands
 Rod of the Sun
 Truth Bringer's Wand
 Desert Hawk

Notoriety :
+600 Arcane Hand

Money : 28

XP : 5280

Battle Royale

Travel to the old Ethian amphitheater in Mongrel Foothills to kill Norgeth, Cathan, and their legion of plotters.
  • Confront Norgeth
  • Defeat the plotters


Dester was planning to meet the kobold and dragonian collaborators at the old Ethian amphitheater. If you can get there in time, you can kill those plotters and save Lantern Hook! I'll try to organize some help, but we have no time to spare.

Upon completion

Ascended, it was a lucky day you jumped into that hole to our well! You've singlehandedly unraveled the plot against Lantern Hook and put an end to Norgeth and Cathan, the instigators of the conspiracy. We are all in your debt.