
Niveau : 40

Zone : Hautes-Terres d'Ombrelune

Fin : Rurik

 Sceau du Roi runique

Monnaie : Aucune valeur

XP : 1320


Visit the Runeguard firing cannons at the gates of Hammerknell Fortress in Moonshade Highlands.
  • Visit the Runeguard firing cannons at the gates of Hammerknell Fortress in Moonshade Highlands


[%Name], the Runeguard have the cannons working! They're firing them at Hammerknell as we speak. I had a chance to watch them not long ago. For a student of lore such as myself, it's amazing to see such ancient runic weapons in action. You should go visit them. If you're lucky, you might be there when the gates give way. Oh, and be sure to speak with Rurik. He's been so busy with the cannons, he could use a break.


Keeping the cannons firing at all hours is daunting, but we must smash through as soon as we can. Thank the runes that Scotty was able to make ammunition that will wear through those doors. Still, it'll be some while before the gates collapse. And when they do, we'd better be prepared for whatever might leap out.