Burning Faith

Уровень : 44

Зоны : Павший Фонарный Утес

Начинает : Рава Дунаса

Заканчивает : Рава Дунаса

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Изменения репутации :
+750 Магическая рука

Деньги : 39 92

Опыт : 8640

Burning Faith

Rava Dunasa asks that you kill the Хранители-фанатики within the Fall of Lantern Hook.
  • Kill the Хранители-фанатики


We tried to make a stand against Maelforge here in Lantern Hook, but our forces were slaughtered. As we fell, Guardians appeared and started to burn any survivors that fled. They were mad, claiming their flames would save the souls of the wretched. Please, [%NAME], find these fanatics and kill them.


The world burns around us and still the guardians persist in their lunacy. Thankfully we have you on our side, [%NAME].