Gesendet: 12.12.12, 04:42
When you look at a Npc page on the Magelo database, you can now view the loot table with items tooltips laid flat, as an alternative to the list view. Lets have a look to Murdantix loot table for example. At the right side of the tab, you can see 2 icons to switch between the list view and the flat view.
The flat view is very handy to compare the items between themselves. With the help of the new Calling and Slot filters, it's quite powerful. The Calling filter allows you to focus really quickly on the stuff that pertain to your calling and the Slot filter let you narrow down the listing to a given slot.
The list view stays great as you can compare items with yours on the fly. Simply select one of your character in the webbar, visible on any page at the bottom of the website, and then just over an item in our database. If you have a similar item equipped, you will end up with a dual tooltip like ingame.
How can you help with the missing loot info?
The loot information we are displaying on the Magelo database are all coming from the community, so it's possible some information are still missing especially for the new encounters in Storm Legion.
You can help us fill up the loot tables simply running Magelo Sync while you play. The database will be updated in real time (Loot data is batched every few minutes or so, you can sync to force Magelo Sync to flush any loot data to the database and then refresh a given npc/item page to see your contribution).
We definitively need some help so if you can spread the world among your guild and friends, that would be very much appreciated!