> > > Unable to sync

Nachrichten zum Thema: Unable to sync

Beiträge: 3
Registrieren: 06.07.15
Gesendet: 15.09.17, 21:36

I am not able to sync any of my toons. Here is the log of my current session.

[2017-09-15 15:34:34] Magelo Sync 4.5.4, Copyright (C) 2016 Magelo Limited
[2017-09-15 15:34:34] Windows 10 10.0 x86
[2017-09-15 15:34:34] Java version 1.8.0_144
[2017-09-15 15:34:34] America/New_York, en_US, windows-1252
[2017-09-15 15:34:34]
[2017-09-15 15:34:34] Services initialisation ...
[2017-09-15 15:34:35] Automatic user authentification...
[2017-09-15 15:34:36] Game Slots : 0 free of 0
[2017-09-15 15:34:36] User : jwhittaker3 (REGISTERED)
[2017-09-15 15:34:36] Starting services...
[2017-09-15 15:34:36] Starting service : Content Synchronizer
[2017-09-15 15:34:36] Starting service : Deadlock Hunter
[2017-09-15 15:34:37] Starting service : Game session seeker
[2017-09-15 15:34:39] Opening 'C:\Program Files\Magelo\Magelo Sync\magelo.log

I have uninstalled and reinstalled, run as admin and I am still unable to sync. Help please?

Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 12.11.17, 12:48


Sorry for the late reply, we have just patched Magelo Sync to cope with the latest game patch (Rift 4.3 hotfix 4). Can you give it another shot ? Please keep in mind that you need to run the 32bit Rift client at the moment as the 64bit is not compatible with Magelo Sync.