Beiträge: 4
Registrieren: 10.09.11
Gesendet: 27.09.11, 18:12
When loading Magelo the characters are not loading for Rift but a small window pops up saying it will be patched soon? I actually do not have anything loaded up to look at or work with except settings. Is there something I need to do? Or do I have to buy the Premium to make it fully work?
Beiträge: 35
Registrieren: 01.08.11
Gesendet: 27.09.11, 20:02
All you have to do is wait. It means Rift is patched but Magelo not yet to be able to work together with the latest version of Rift. Usually it takes the Magelo team a few hours to update Magelo to work again.
Beiträge: 83
Registrieren: 22.08.11
Gesendet: 28.09.11, 01:47
Don't forget that each role of each character needs to be synced separately for the free version. I found that out the hard way, ha!
Beiträge: 4235
Registrieren: 09.02.06
Gesendet: 28.09.11, 06:02
Thanks guys! Magelo Sync is ready for the 1.8 
Waterifts, I would just recommend you to take the 10 day Premium trail to fully sync your character and try out all the Premium features too.
Otherwise your profile will not show your equipment and soul trees. This is something you will be able to manually input soon. We are still working on this method and we should be able to launch it in few weeks now.
Let us know how it goes!
Beiträge: 35
Registrieren: 01.08.11
Gesendet: 28.09.11, 10:02
Ooh, finally an estimation of when that is coming! Will be fun to play with.
Beiträge: 4235
Registrieren: 09.02.06
Gesendet: 18.11.11, 06:31
Here we go! It took us more time than expected but the manual character edition is finally out 
Simply go to the My characters page to fill a quick form to add your character instantly. Then click on the Edit link to provide all the information required about your character (identity, roles, equipment, planar attunement,…).
More info in the news 
Beiträge: 1
Registrieren: 26.11.11
Gesendet: 26.11.11, 08:33
The manual version doesn't appear to be effective.
Every single character I have gives me the message that the character already exists (but not searchable from the main search line) and I can't make manually.
Beiträge: 11496
Registrieren: 05.05.01
Gesendet: 27.11.11, 10:29
Hi Mulch, we have fixed this issue, try again, you should be able to add your characters just fine now. Only in the rare occasion that someone else took your name on your server, will you have to run Magelo Sync to claim the character back.