Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/20/12
Posted: 4/24/12, 2:42 PM
As usual (after paying for 3 months of premium no less) Magelo has stopped updating my character. I sync up and it doesn't update gear, rep, skills...nothing. I would like to know what the problem is or I would like to know how to go about getting a refund for the 3 months I paid for.
And no, this isn't a firewall issue or a java being outdated issue. It ran a couple of times and updated my profile properly and now it isn't working again. For that matter it isn't even saving what music I select for my character profile when I select to switch songs.
NOT a happy camper at the moment.
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/20/12
Posted: 4/24/12, 5:57 PM
Something new to note:
I just went into my profile and changed the profile wallpaper, saved it, and surprise surprise even that hasn't updated on my profile. It says the last update was on 4/19. This is ridiculous that not only does your client not work but changes made right via the site don't even work.
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/20/12
Posted: 4/24/12, 10:53 PM
Any chance on an update to this or am I just out of luck?
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 4/25/12, 1:19 AM
Hi saeleth,
Please do not worried, we will find a solution for your issues.
Your profile Saeleth has been correctly updated but you don't see the changes on your profile yet, including the background image and music as well.
This is a cache issue on our hand. We will apply a quick fix now and we will work in the next few days on a long term solution. We need to understand why it happens to you only.
If you still want a refund we will of course do it. But if you are ok to let us help you and find out what is going on, we will compensate you with some extra time on your Premium subscription. Bugs happen and we always do our best to fix them the fast we can.
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/20/12
Posted: 4/25/12, 8:57 AM
I'd really like to use the service, so for now I'm ok with waiting and letting you guys figure out why this is happening to me. The extra time on my service is appreciated.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 4/26/12, 1:07 AM
Thank you for your reply saeleth.
As I told you yesterday, we applied a quick fix and your profile is now up to date (content and customization).
I will keep you posted on our progress regarding this issue. We are working on it right now.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 4/27/12, 7:28 AM
Hello saeleth,
We put a system in place to better understand the issue, so as soon as it appear again please let us know. Thank you!
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 3/20/12
Posted: 5/16/12, 6:01 PM
Same issue happening to me again, please check into it
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 5/17/12, 12:32 PM
I already replied to you in another topic you opened on the same subject, but I add my comment again below, to consolidate the topic.
Hi saeleth,
I can see your new gloves synced on your "Single Target DPS'' role:
The first time you synchronize your character, we save it as your main role.
And each time someone open your profile, this is this role that will appear by default.
For your character, this is "Inquisicar'' at the moment.
You can update the role you want to show by default when the profile is opened in My characters > Edit > Identity.
So there was no bug on your last synchronization.