Messages in topic: Magelo wont update my Character
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 10/29/04
Posted: 6/9/12, 11:00 AM
Suddenly, after the patch before the last one, magelo will not update my Character. Everything seems to be working fine, I dont get any error messages, but still my profile is not updated.
The only thing I changed is that I bought 2 extra roles (I had 2 roles before during which the sync worked fine, now I have 4 roles).
When I sync one of my alts (lvl 45 warrior with just one role), sync works fine. So I am suspecting there is a something going wrong with my roles - sync . Toon name is Pondorra / Rift.
I am using Windows 7, Home Edition, 64 bits.
Any thoughts.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 6/11/12, 10:38 AM
Thanks for your report Ponunihep
Could you please try again and let us know as soon as you did it?
We will look into our logs to find more details about the issue.