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Messages in topic: Augmented Items not Showing Correct Values
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/25/12
Posted: 12/31/12, 9:57 AM

This may have been due Trion's rebalancing of items, but Augmented Crafted Items are showing inflated stats. For example: Nefarious Luminous Empyrean Vestments (Stellar Nefarious Augment) shows 105 CP, when in reality it only has 86 CP.

This bug is affecting all [SL] crafted augments.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/3/13, 11:43 AM

Hi zisforzorro,

Thanks for this feedback, we will make sure to update all our augmented items asap !
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 1/23/13
Posted: 1/31/13, 12:26 PM

I have a question sort of related to this, so I will chuck it in here, let me know if I should be posting elsewhere

I am working with the discovery file and each item has an ItemKey value which is basically it's unique identifier. I can use this to create URL links to Magelo to automate tooltip creation for every item listed on my site. So that's awesome, saves me a TON of effort.

However, crafted items are weird. In the discovery file I notice that for instance Brilliant Luminous Chrysoprase Treasure is listed and has it's own unique ItemKey, but only one version of this item is listed with just the basic stats (no extra stats from the augment), not one version for every variation of the augmented item. When I check out these items in Magelo's database I notice that the URLs which contain the ItemKey value contain the basic ItemKey value, plus a little extra depending on what augment was used to craft the item.

For instance:

http://rift.magelo.com/en/item/ B3A7CFF50394E68BD40F010101 A403C801

The first part of the link beginning with B3A7 is the ItemKey for the item Brilliant Luminous Chrysoprase Treasure. The second part of the link (A403C801) is what is added to any item that has been crafted with a Stellar Brilliant Augment.

My question is, how do you create that added bit, is it derived from something else in the discovery file that I can use to make my automated item tooltip links work properly, or is it assigned by you guys on an ad hoc basis?


Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/5/13, 10:47 PM

Time for a little update on the subject. We are still working on the matter and we will hopefully come with a fix very soon zisforzorro. I will keep you posted as soon the issue is fixed.

RiftHero, as you discovered (pun intented), the discovery file does not have any variation for a crafted item at all. Trion made this choice in order to avoid cluttering the items.xml file, otherwise you end up with nbrCraftedItems times nbrAugments which is a lot !

Since we handle profiles and stats, we cant afford the luxury of ignoring crafted items with augments so we had to put quite some effort understanding the foundation of the system and how to tackle this.

We basically create manually all the variations our self and create the full valid item key for each which is not an easy feat and totally impossible with the discovery files alone.
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 1/23/13
Posted: 2/6/13, 7:42 AM

Hi Jelan,

I guess to get accurate links I will have to go through each augment, figure out it's little bit extra, and add that to the itemkey's in my database so that items on my site link to the right tooltips from Magelo.

Unless you want to list those added extra's for me, save me some effort?

Incidentally, if you want a list of what each of the augments gives stat wise, look at Bowler Hat's Cleric BiS spreadsheet:


At the bottom of each slot is a list of augments and what stat gains they give, while the list is not complete the majority of the SL augments are covered and you can probably infer from them what the str/dex equivalents give.


Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/23/13, 9:51 AM

Hi zisforzorro,

I believe I have fixed the issue. Crit power for this items is now 89 which should match current ingame value.