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Messages in topic: Art of War [Deep] Recruiting for T2 progression
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Nbr post: 1
Register: 3/2/16
Posted: 3/2/16, 1:01 PM

<The Art of War> - Returning guild LFM for T1/T2 raiding and WF Premades - All Levels

<The Art of War>

Returning guild looking for more awesome players to fill its roster again! We were a large social/casual guild during Storm Legion and as a guild participated in everything from leveling to endgame raiding; up through Tier 2 of storm legion.

We are currently looking for more players interested in doing T1/T2 raiding.

We do have a progression raid team and a more casual raid team. Our schedule is below, we have spots available on both teams pending your activity and ability.

We also are looking for more players interested in doing PvP premades. I usually run WF premades multiple nights a week and would love to make this a more consistent thing.

We're also currently looking for officers to help run and grow the guild, so if you would like to help, let us know!

We do require MUMBLE voice chat for progression raids and guild PvP events

Raid Schedule:
Thursday 5pm server - MS
Saturday 5pm server - Sea of Ladon x 5 runs minimum followed by interguild Dimension PvP wars
Sunday 5pm server - IGP (Progression group)
Monday 5pm server - RoF (Progression group), RoF (Casual group)
Tuesday 5pm server - will begin HK soon when have more T2 raiders to fill 20 person

We offer a fully-functional advanced Enjin website and a unlimited slot low-latency mumble server

If you're interested in joining, visit our website and submit an application, contact me in-game (Muffinmans@deepwood or Koreander@deepwood) or find us on the guild finder. We would love to have you!


Thank you for your consideration!