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Messages in topic: My music stop playing. Need help
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 5/11/10
Posted: 4/11/16, 3:00 PM

Recently after switch back to premium membership, i note my music background stop play at all. I still have and keep same music clip in mp3 format what i was have here always. Switching feature back and forward, with saves, not help. I even added new music file to try..Still no sound..Any idea what happened? It was work back in time no problem.Seems no anymore on me.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/12/16, 2:27 AM

HI Tigerak,

We did not touch any code area that would impact this feature and I tested both your profiles and they both play your soundtrack. Is there any chance it's a browser issue on your end ?
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 5/11/10
Posted: 4/13/16, 2:44 AM

I using Firefox and IE. Both not play...but i not installing Adobe Flash anymore, because security issues, and why i should? Music file is in mp3 format by the way and have nothings to do with flash plugins. Its a only possible issue with browser on my end., because they both work flawless in my general daily uses. Let me know if it a problem, plz.
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 5/11/10
Posted: 4/13/16, 11:39 AM

Am reinstalled Adobe Flash for test purpose, all start working. That all. Ty for response. Case can be closed.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/17/16, 12:09 AM

Glad to see you got it working by installing Flash. I totally agree that nowadays, we should be able to play those tracks using html5 without any flash whatsoever.

When time permits, I will look into it.