I've downloaded Magelo Sync, picked up the premium 10day trial and I've synced my characters yet when I click on the my characters tab nothing shows up. I've tried closing everything and still nothing. Anyone have a suggestion on what I could do to get my characters to show up?
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 7/31/11, 11:32 PM
We currently have an issue with new characters which probably explain your situation.It should be fixed in a few hours, I will keep you posted !
Registered User
Nbr post: 4
Register: 7/31/11
Posted: 7/31/11, 11:33 PM
Cool, thanks for the heads up 8^)
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/1/11, 12:11 AM
Can you tell me on which server you are playing plz ?