My character profile is all wrong ,i pressing the sync now it says my char are sync but keep my character looks wrong(spec,stats....) what can i do plz help
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 11/1/11, 11:19 PM
Hi Ostpanzer,
I think the issue is not related to the synchronization but to the role shown by default in your profile.
When you open your profile, the default role displayed is "51Void" (last sync date october 22).
You synchronized other roles after october 22, so maybe you was expecting the last synced role to show. Actually you can decide the role you want to show in your profile by default in My characters > Edit > Identity card. The other roles will also be accessible from the profile, through a drop down menu on the role's name.
If I am wrong and your main role don't sync properly, could you please provide the log file of Magelo Sync? Try to sync again and when the error occurs, press "ctrl + shift + L", when you have the focus on Magelo Sync, to get the log. Then copy its content here in your replies.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 11/18/11, 12:37 AM
I guess everything is fine now for you Ostpanzer as I noticed your synchronized many characters since your last post. So I close this issue