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Messages in topic: 1.6 Essences
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 2/14/02
Posted: 11/20/11, 1:51 PM

My sigil appears to be blank where I have the new 1.6 essences, and the stats are not taken into account.


Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 11/21/11, 1:06 AM

Hi theluna,

We need to update our DB with the latest Discoveries file provided by Trion, from last Friday.
I will keep you posted as soon as it's done, later today.

You will then just need to sync again your character and the missing essence should be there.


Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/22/11, 1:33 PM

Fixed, you will need to re sync your character for your essence to show up.