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Nbr post: 3
Register: 10/28/11
Posted: 11/26/11, 11:13 PM
I noticed a bug today where any character which you had previous edited online manually will not get synched properly when using Magelo Sync.
To duplicate this create an alt (or if you have one which isn't already Mageloed then add that) using the manual method. Then edit something like it's trade skills. Next login to game and use Magelo Sync to update the character, the character will not get updated.
The characters I had added manually were both guilded and I had added their tradeskills only.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/27/11, 4:28 AM
Hi RangerRob,
Thanks for taking the time to create this issue. Could you please let me know on which character you have the issue, also what do you mean by not updating and lastly, does the sync actually work or not (Does the sync show an error or it looks like it worked just fine?)
Thanks !
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 10/28/11
Posted: 11/27/11, 6:18 AM
Hi Jelan,
I have the issue on both my L50 Dwarfs. When I say not updating, it is actually updating in some sense, I get my currently selected Title and my Guild updated. What does not update is anything else that I can see so no Soul configuration, no Roles, no Notoriety, no Achievements (actually none of my characters get achievements so I assume that's a general issue).
The sync itself appears to work because as I say some things are synching, but the majority of things are not and Magelo Sync tells me it has been successful.
The reason I suggested this could be to do with applying trade skills or something to a manually added character is because all four of my characters were originally added manually whilst I was playing about with the system and both my low level characters fully sync every time. The difference between those two low level characters and my two level 50s is that I had done nothing to the low levels except add them but I had manually entered the L50s trade skills.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/27/11, 8:57 PM
Hi Rob, sorry for the typo on your name above, fixed it already... 
For those 2 characters, I am not convinced yet there is an issue beside the achievements not being synced which as you said is a general issue right now and will be fixed asap.
If we look at Kalasco for example. The default role which has been created for you when you add the character manually, is the role "Role 1". It is the role that will be loaded when you click your character.
This one is empty with no equipment and no soul tree. However if once you open the profile, you switch to your other role "TPS" then this profile is authentic (gold seal), has all your equipment and the matching soul tree.
The same thing happens with your other lvl50 character. So hopefully, you just overlooked this. You can switch your default role in "My Characters > edit > identity card" and remember that you can sync all your roles with Magelo Sync with their associated build and equipment.
Let me know how it goes.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/27/11, 11:58 PM
Achievements issue has been fixed !
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Nbr post: 3
Register: 10/28/11
Posted: 11/28/11, 3:55 PM
Bah OK this was simply an education issue on my part I'm afraid. I didn't know you had to synchronize each role individually and tie your gear to the role you've selected, I thought that synching would pickup all roles at once. That's a really nice feature. Feel free to slap me with a wet fish!
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Nbr post: 8
Register: 10/22/11
Posted: 11/28/11, 3:56 PM
I've also noticed this. Before manually editing my character (Niea), my planar attunement was updating normally. After entering in my gear, however, planar attunement no longer seems to update.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/28/11, 9:36 PM
Ha glad we sorted this out and do not worry, I am sure we could explain a bit better the fact that you have a profile for each of your roles. When you do it manually it is very apparent but when Magelo Sync does its magic, it's not easy to grasp you have to go over each roles you want to sync..
Hi aerisod, just to clarify, when you say you were updating your planar attunement, was it manually ?
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 10/22/11
Posted: 11/28/11, 10:19 PM
Sorry for not being very clear, Jelan. I've never updated planar attunement manually, it was always handled just fine through Magelo Sync. I've only manually updated my gear/runes, and after doing that, then planar attunement seemed to stop being updated automatically through Magelo Sync. And now that I check, my achievement score has also stopped updating automatically.
Does manually entering a character's gear somehow make it so that everything else has to also be manually entered? If it would help, I can cut/paste the Magelo Sync log (from Ctrl+Shift+L).
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/30/11, 1:40 AM
Hi aerisod,
No worry, i was suspecting what was the issue but I wanted to clarify things before speaking up. So now I know exactly what is going, the issue is that you used to have the trial and it has expired. Without the premium membership, Magelo Sync only sync your identity card (top part of the profile), meaning you have to maintain everything else manually yourself.
Hope it explains what is going on and I hope you might consider supporting our work and making your gaming life easier in the process lol 
Thanks in advance in any case for your feedback.
Registered User
Nbr post: 8
Register: 10/22/11
Posted: 11/30/11, 3:08 AM
I see now, thanks for letting me know!
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/8/11, 3:06 PM
You are welcome !