Carnage: Flameterror Nightmares | 62 | | | +200 The Onir 95460 XP + 54 23 |
Carnage: Corrupted Onir | 62 | | | +200 The Onir 95460 XP + 54 23 |
Investigative Journalism | 62 | Fausta | Fausta | +200 The Onir 379260 XP + 1 30 14 |
Aphogglach | 65 | | | |
Lactic Detonation | 63 | | Yance Neville | +250 The Onir 260190 XP + 3 44 25 |
Carnage: Lucid Nightmares | 63 | | | +200 The Onir 148680 XP + 87 84 |
The Key to the City | 63 | | Arlana Eshen | +200 The Onir 148680 XP + 87 84 |
Endless Ends | 63 | Finric | Kondraum | +200 The Onir 390285 XP + 1 40 55 |
Extinguishing the Fires of the Wanton | 63 | Kondraum | Kondraum | +200 The Onir 390285 XP + 1 40 55 |
War Across the Seas | 65 | Reeno Haffran | Reeno Haffran | 608685 XP + 1 86 6 |
Corsair's Castle | 62 | | | |
Smelling the Roses | 63 | | | +200 The Onir 148680 XP + 87 84 |
Clam Up | 63 | | Yance Neville | +250 The Onir 260190 XP + 3 44 25 |
There It Went Again! | 63 | | Arlana Eshen | +250 The Onir 260190 XP + 3 44 25 |
Liquid Gold | 63 | | Kondraum's Beard | +200 The Onir 148680 XP + 87 84 |
Carnage: Lost Profits | 62 | | | +200 The Onir 95460 XP + 54 23 |
Carnage: Nightmares of the Past | 63 | | | +200 The Onir 98235 XP + 58 56 |
Carnage: Lurking Fall-dwellers | 63 | | | +200 The Onir 98235 XP + 58 56 |
Carnage: Nightmare of Grimnir | 63 | | | +200 The Onir 148680 XP + 87 84 |
A Bucket a Day | 62 | | | +200 The Onir 144480 XP + 81 34 |