Messages dans le sujet: Rift Crashes With Magelo Sync
Nbr msg: 3
Enregistré: 02/02/2012
Ecrit le: 05/03/2012 13:24
I'm getting intermittent crashing when I run Magelo Sync with Rift, both the current version and the previous one. Rift hangs then has to be terminated or the PC has to be power cycled as it hangs sometimes.
Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 06/03/2012 05:37
Hi ujaya,
Magelo Sync shouldn't be able to impact your game whatsoever.
Did you try to not use Magelo Sync for few days while you are playing Rift just to validate the game runs well and never crash?
You could maybe send us your Magelo Sync log. launch the game, then Magelo Sync and try to synchronize a character, then press "ctrl + shift + L" to get the log. You can copy it's content in your reply.