> > > Defiler tree needs updating

Messages dans le sujet: Defiler tree needs updating

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 24/10/2012
Ecrit le: 07/11/2012 17:33

Perhaps you are aware, but the defiler tree in the soul calculator isn't up-to-date with Beta, specifically the fourth thru sixth levels.The defiler icon is also off. I'm sure this is on your list of things to do, but I thought I'd point it out if you're not running a cleric & aren't aware of the problem.

Thanks for the calculator, it's a great resource & all my guild uses it!

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 08/11/2012 05:39

Thanks Wasa for pointing this out! We are looking into this and we will keep you posted.

We are really happy to see your guild is using our soul tree calculator.

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 24/10/2012
Ecrit le: 14/11/2012 23:25

Updated! Thank you!

Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 15/11/2012 06:24

Yes! As you noticed, the soul tree is now up to date with Storm Legion, among other features on the website. I will add a news on the homepage today!