I have logged in to three different characters, one of them on another account. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Magelo as well as the Java scripts.
Magelo will open my game client but it will not read my character. When it goes to the sync screen it gives me a pop up that says that "rift.exe has been patched, Magelo Sync will be updated soon to support this version."
I downloaded the Magelo from the "My Characters" tab so I'm assuming that is the most recent version, though not sure.
Nbr msg: 11496
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 28/02/2013 11:52
Hi Layenem,
Every time the game is patched, we have to patch Magelo Sync as well. That is what the message "rift.exe has been patched, Magelo Sync will be updated soon to support this version" is meaning.
If you look at our homepage, we usually highlight with an icon when Magelo Sync is down due to a game patch and we update the status as soon as we have patched Magelo Sync.
As a matter of fact, we just did, so everything should work now.
Nbr msg: 3
Enregistré: 28/02/2013
Ecrit le: 28/02/2013 12:09
Yep it works! Okay so I rushed it, sorry I thought I saw something that said it was already synced... you guys are fast!