> > > Items with Synergy Crystal Set Bonus and Screenshots Bug

Messages dans le sujet: Items with Synergy Crystal Set Bonus and Screenshots Bug

Nbr msg: 16
Enregistré: 03/09/2008
Ecrit le: 12/01/2014 20:49

Many of the gear sets that have the notation of using a Synergy Crystal for a 2/3/4 piece bonus will pool all the screenshots together.

Example of a few issue items:
Empyreal Slayers Boots
Freelancers Coif
Empyreal Vanquishers Hauberk

When looking at the screenshots, it should only show that item's screenshot and not other items that are needed to activate the Synergy Crystal set bonuses. Having this issue clutters up the screenshot section.


Nbr msg: 4235
Enregistré: 09/02/2006
Ecrit le: 14/01/2014 07:02

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue. There is in fact a bug in our system we need to fix.
I will let you know when it's done.

Nbr msg: 16
Enregistré: 03/09/2008
Ecrit le: 15/01/2014 02:21

I appreciate it =) I will hang on to those images until the issue is cleared.


Nbr msg: 11493
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 27/01/2014 18:50

The bug has been fixed but you will have to submit those images again unfortunately.. Thanks again !