> > > Cant get Sync to ork !?

Messages dans le sujet: Cant get Sync to ork !?

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 19/04/2015
Ecrit le: 21/04/2015 16:32

I cant get it to work what am i doing wrong ? Here is my error log.

[16:30:52] [WARNING] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[16:30:52] [WARNING] Could not find: magelo-i18n [sv]
[16:30:52] [WARNING] Could not find: magelo-i18n [sv_SE]
[16:30:52] [INFO] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[16:30:52] [INFO] Magelo Sync 4.4.1, Copyright (C) 2013 Magelo Limited
[16:30:52] [INFO] Windows 7 6.1 amd64
[16:30:52] [INFO] Java version 1.8.0_45
[16:30:52] [INFO] Europe/Berlin, sv_SE, windows-1252
[16:30:52] [INFO]
[16:30:52] [INFO] Services initialisation ...
[16:30:58] [INFO] Automatic user authentification...
[16:30:58] [INFO] Game Slots : 0 free of 0
[16:30:58] [INFO] User : Sensemilla (REGISTERED)
[16:30:58] [INFO] Starting services...
[16:30:58] [INFO] Starting service : Content Synchronizer
[16:30:58] [INFO] Starting service : Deadlock Hunter
[16:30:59] [INFO] Starting service : Game session seeker
[16:31:01] [INFO] New game session detected : rift.exe[8296]
[16:31:02] [WARNING] Current game client version is not supported (CRC: 0a51fd28)
[16:31:58] [INFO] Sending game content to server...
[16:31:58] [INFO] New detected game objects : 0
[16:31:58] [INFO] Sending observations

Best Regards Sensemilla

Nbr msg: 11496
Enregistré: 05/05/2001
Ecrit le: 25/04/2015 08:13

Hi Sensemilla,

We have patched Magelo Sync, please try again, it should work just fine now.

Nbr msg: 2
Enregistré: 19/04/2015
Ecrit le: 25/04/2015 12:53

Cool it works now ty