Ecrit le: 11/09/2011 22:18
TASC (proudly the FIRST Guild on Keenblade) is enjoying Rift together. It is not what we expected or hoped for, but our guild spirit is strong which goes a very long way.
We strive every day for a loyal guild base with as trusting an atmosphere as an online game can possibly have and a healthy dose of reliable activity!
Standing Side By Side - let's challenge the content!
We have stayed small enough to keep our guild community warm and sincere, AND remain very active. There have been times when we have had to put a hold on invites so that we could first get to know the members that we have. We fully plan on keeping our community strong and as happy as possible.
With upcoming game changes, there maybe population changes. We want to prepare for the possibilities and be there for anyone that is looking to do the same! Game content may allow players to get geared without raiding - but raiding is more than just about getting gear! Gear is a means to challenge the next content.
WE WILL CONTINUE TO RAID. If you want to do the same, we are prepared to stand beside you to help you get to where you need to be to meet that goal. If you already have gear and experience THAT IS GREAT!
Progression: GSB 3/5, RoS - Farming foci, working toward boss, DH - Cleared & farming, GP - 2/4
We are a loyal, active and stable guild, who is looking for reliable high quality PEOPLE owning the same qualities. If you know what it takes to be a great guild mate and able to be patient with and helpful to those that are still in the learning process), then YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME HAVE SOME FUN WITH US!
If you have an interest, please check out our Guild Charter, T A S C Guild FaQ and Calendar and if you would like to become a part of our community feel free to •Join T A S C• for membership consideration all at
Looking For:
Loyal, active, reliable (just like us!)
Willing to let us help you upgrade your gear
Interactive and able to communicate
Wants to be a part of a TEAM
Great attitude and fun sense of humor
Never Gives Up!
No Thanks:
Unreceptive to advise and suggestions
Self-serving and/or only inwardly focused
Solo MMORPG player
Don't even think about it:
Constant negativity
For those of you not seeking a guild - please know that you are welcome to send a tell to anyone in T A S C of Keenblade a tell should you need a helping hand!