> > > Details Released About Rift Mobile App

Messages dans le sujet: Details Released About Rift Mobile App

Nbr msg: 214
Enregistré: 20/11/2011
Ecrit le: 04/01/2012 03:08

Over the holiday weekend, Trion quietly released the Beta version of the Rift Mobile App. While the details were relatively few upon release, Kytsuri provided some information about the app on the Rift forums.

The app is currently in beta phase and available only for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It was designed to allow remote access to guild chat and guild info, receive zone event notifications, and includes a game which provides in-game loot. As with any beta software, there are some known issues being worked out and were also released this afternoon:
  • Push notifications for chat and zone events are currently not working correctly. We intend to resolve this issue today.
  • Users of early iOS versions are seeing a placeholder acorn as the icon for the app. We’ve got a build going through the approval process now with a fix for this.
  • We are aware of an issue where the Lootables timer sometimes does not update correctly if you return directly to the Lootables page after having the app idle for long periods of time. Switching to another tab and back to Lootables should fix the issue. We are investigating a permanent solution to this problem.
  • Users on EU shards will see zone names and item links in English. A fix is expected later this week.

There is no version available for the Android phone at this time. Trion pursued the iOS version in order to assure Apple's quality standards and "rigorous approval process" were met. However, the Android version is in the works and Trion estimates it will be released late January.