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Отправлено: 15.02.2012, 15:00
Congratulations Winners!
Congratulations to all who submitted love poems and sonnets for Magelo's inaugural 'Give the Gift of Rift' contest. We had several awesome submissions, and here are this year's winners:
Grand Prize Winner
Love Is
by Sethi12345
Love is not definable,
A force you can't describe.
You will not understand,
Until you meet their eyes.
Love is what it is.
Love is not something you can see,
Anything you want it to be.
Love is what you can feel,
Shining very real.
Love is what it is.
Love is that fuzzy feeling,
Warm inside your tummy.
Love is that warmth in your heart,
Bringing you happiness.
Love is love.
2nd Prize Winner
by lori1243
In the heart of darkness
I look for your flame
The dark nights wind
Gently whispering your name
In a cold haunting nightmare
It is your warmth that I seek
But the minute I see your beautiful face
It slowly fades away from me
When the pain becomes unbearable
It is your eternal love that I need
Your soft kiss and tender arms
Is all that can set me free
To break open the gates of Hell
And pull my beaten body through
Healed by the kisses of an angel
Healed by the kisses from you
3rd Prize Winners (Ordered by Title)
Ani's Eyes
by Malkavious
With hunter's eyes she watches me
My soul laid bare for her to see
In every breath she sings a song
That conquers those both bold and strong
Robes of moonlight caress her skin
Lighting in me the fires within
Ani's eyes they see me true
She's all I want and never knew
Hunter's heart defy cruel fate
A hunger I can never sate
With hunter's eyes she stalks the night
Kiss away the pain and plight
Her lips touch mine, my soul afire
Our skin as one, my heart a pyre
The Hunter's Heart shines inside her soul
And with a smile my heart she stole
by kirsch
cosmic force of love
attracted to eachother
two becoming one
Heart Shaped Puzzle

To bathe in your love is such a gift as are you. I long to hear your sweet, soft voice.
Your laugh melts my heart.
Your smile holds me captive though you can't hold prisoner one who consents.
To not see you is such torture to my soul, agony to my mind, punishment to my heart.
My love for you is like a river building ever so steady as it cascades down the cliff.
The feeling I get is compared to that of floating, such thrilling vertigo.
And as I near completion of my puzzle, I notice, the piece you hold is the one that is missing, the one I have been searching for all my life, the one that completes my heart shaped puzzle.
Love in Telara
by wreckfull
Upon the wind an angel sings, these whispers
of your name and with this song my heart now clean
no evidence of pain, of a prior life fore
you that darkness did consume but now my eyes no
longer shut these seeds of love shall bloom, and on
that day that faithfull day our lives shall be entwined,
for our love as endless as the court through the dark-
ness it shall shine, and when those bells begin to chime
and our kiss has set the seal, not even regu-
los himself could change the way we feel. Now hark to
me terlarians for theres something i must say
For this is true love raw and real, that you've witnessed
on this day.
by Lyzern
There's a river by my house,
That reminds me of your eyes,
Its transparent water,
How it gently flows,
It makes me wonder,
Does the river choose its course,
Or is it simply carried?
There's a flower in my garden,
That reminds me of your smile,
Always so brilliant,
So graceful, starring at the sun,
Yet it seems so fragile,
Needing protection.
I see the rainbow above the clouds,
And it reminds me of you,
So gentle and warm,
So lively yet mysterious,
So perfect yet flawed,
So close yet so far away.
Before you go,
Answer me,
If I said I love you,
Would you come with me watch,
The river, the flower and the rainbow?
Telaraian Love
by Valdirha
From many a travel upon my elven feet,
Never have I met a fellow,
Who is quite so mellow.
On occasion he can be sweet.
With a beast of feline persuasion at his side,
A smirk and wild blue eyes.
No porticulum can hide,
His handsome Mathosian thighs.
I often wonder if I didn't have these elven wings,
Would my heart still flutter?
Will he love me even if my elven stomach turns to butter?
Could our love be sealed with rings?
I wish this crazy love true
so on Valentine's day he will ask and I will say "I do".