Comment entrer le code pour récupérer la source d'énergie? Je suis coincé. J'arrive à allumer 2 globes mais pas plus. Merci pour votre aide
Сообщений: 172
Регистрация: 17.02.2012
Отправлено: 09.02.2019, 16:15
You are referring to Rift? Correct? As I am not seeing any quest for, "The Strength of Stones". Not even a Bing/Google search is showing anything on this quest. If you are correct and it is for Rift, Jelan will have to fix/update the site for this. Maybe he can provide some insight.
To be a healer you have to have a pure heart, one that will always think about others before
yourself. My fellow man shall not fall as long as I have breathe. Trust me and stand by my
side and you shall always be rewarded with life.