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This contest is now closed. Thank you to all who participated!

You ask the questions!

Have you ever had that burning question about your calling? Ever hated it when you see interviews and Q&A's that just don't answer what you want to know? Well, here's your chance to set the record straight!

From now until Friday, March 16th we'll be accepting questions from the community to submit on our Class Question Q&A to the Trion Developers.

But that's not all! Enter your relevant, unique and productive question and you have the chance to win one of four 30-day game-time cards (one per calling) or 30 days free Magelo Premium service.

Here's how it works:

Submit your question and its calling in our contest thread. On Friday, March 16th at 9pm PDT we will close the thread and select two winners per calling. These questions will appear at the top of the list of questions for your calling, recognized by your free Magelo username.

The person who submits the best and most unique question for each calling will earn a 30 day game-time card and 30 days Magelo Premium service. The second prize winner will receive 30 days Magelo Premium Service. Winners will be notified via email and receive all applicable codes and instructions.

If your question isn't selected as a winner, fret not! We will be canvassing all submissions for quality questions to submit to Trion.

On Monday, March 19th we will announce the final Q&A on the General Discussion at Magelo Rift and notify all winners (follow us on Twitter: @Magelo, Facebook: Magelo). Once the questions are answered by Trion Staff, we will post the entire Q&A as a news story on Magelo.

This is a Q&A session that is all about you, so don't miss your chance!


  • Winners are limited to residents of the United States, Canada and the European Union (we love all our members, but must obey import/export controls and other similar legal stuffs).
  • Submissions will only be accepted on the Submission Thread in the General Discussion sticky on the Magelo Rift forums.
  • All entries must be acceptable for all audiences (vulgar or offensive posts will be deleted).


There is a hard deadline of Friday, March 16th at 9pm PDT for all entry submissions. At this time the thread will be locked and submissions will no longer be accepted.


  • No purchase required for entry.
  • Magelo makes no assurance that Trion will answer any particular question, nor that the answer would be deemed as satisfactory by all users.
  • Winning entries limited to citizens of the United States (including its territories and possessions), Canada and European Union. Void where prohibited by law.
  • Magelo reserves the right to refuse and/or delete any submission which (in its sole discretion) is deemed to be vulgar, offensive, violates the rights or copyrights of another person or entity, or otherwise inappropriate.
  • Magelo will not be responsible for any lost, damaged, deleted or misplaced entries.
  • Magelo will not be liable for the misuse of any submission by a person or entity outside of Magelo Ltd., its employees and volunteers.
  • By entering a submission, you grant Magelo the right to publish your submission and to identify you by your Magelo username in the event your submission is chosen as a winning submission.
  • By posting a submission, you agree to these terms and conditions.