Let's Keep the Offensive Rolling!

Уровень : 1

Зоны : Обитель

Начинает : Сержант Хорран

Заканчивает : Сержант Хорран
 Кристальная ярость

Деньги : Ничего не стоит

Опыт : 450

Let's Keep the Offensive Rolling!

Help the Guardian forces in the war against The Wanton Maw by doing world event daily quests.
  • Complete 8 War of the Wanton Maw Daily Quests


[%LORD_LADY], Telara thanks you for your continued heroism, but you're help is still needed. We have the forces of Earth and Fire on the run! Victory is on the horizon, but we can't rest yet. Continue your assaults and drive those invaders from our world. Our troops are ready to follow the Ascended into battle, [%SIR_MADAM].


Thank you, [%NAME]. I continue to be astounded at what you accomplish compared to an entire squad of my best.