Messages in topic: 6th role & static Fishing/Survival slots
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Nbr post: 1
Register: 10/26/11
Posted: 5/25/12, 8:44 PM
Any plans to increase the number of role slots to 6 to match the game?
Also, Fishing and Survival are available on every character and don't take up one of the 3 tradeskill slots. Would it be possible to have static slots for these skills in addition to the 3 selectable tradeskills?
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 6/11/12, 11:00 AM
We are working on supporting the 6th role. We will let you know as soon as it's live.
We didn't show yet the new skills in the profile and signature as they are more secondary skills.
We will see what we can do.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 7/8/12, 2:09 AM
The 6th role is now supported.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 9/19/12, 7:20 AM
Fishing and Survival skill points are now displayed in the signature. You just need to update your sig to show them. We didn't yet add them in the profile as we need to change the layout of the main page, so it's a little more work.