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Messages in topic: Rift - My recipes link
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 5/7/02
Posted: 3/18/13, 9:57 AM

I would like share my recipes with my guildies.
The current problem, any link will only work, if guildie have magelo account and synced to guild it.
I would like a working link without logged into magelo or atleast able to export my recipes with magelo link, so i can use it to build my own homepage.

Sincerelly topiland


Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 3/18/13, 10:52 AM

Hi topiland,

Thanks for bringing this topic back, it's definitely something we should had tackled sometime ago...
I will implement that very soon and I want to keep it simple and friendly on the way you can share your recipes.

I am envisioning something like that: http://rift.magelo.com/recipes/icewatch/gordi
I don't think it matters if your recipes are public but would definitely like to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 5/7/02
Posted: 3/18/13, 1:24 PM


Personally i want it be public, but agree some ppl may dont want it.
Maybe a option in your settings its public or hidden.
If public the page become visible sample what you posted http://rift.magelo.com/recipes/icewatch/gordi, if set to hidden work as now ppl can see only through guild recipes.
In public way i would like work as character link too, and no registration required.

Personally for me this is the most wanted and usefull thing, what i missing.
I was renew my premium account only for upload the recipes.
I have all profession all at 375, and would make my life easier if they can see trough a link, what i have and i not need remember evrything or log trough characters and link my recipes.