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Messages in topic: inventory access for another magelo member
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 6/3/13
Posted: 6/20/13, 8:42 AM

My wife and me play together rift and use magelo.
what we need is to have a look in the others inventory before we buy new things from AH.
Why not share the inventory with another magelo member i give rights for?

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 7/11/13, 11:57 PM

Hi njak,

Interesting idea but I feel this is somewhat a special case as usually people will just communicate with each other. That being said, I don't rule this one out just yet but I would like to see if other people would find it useful as well.
Registered User

Nbr post: 11
Register: 7/25/13
Posted: 8/6/13, 1:59 PM

I could see a private guild bank being used to share boe/consumables.

I like the idea but I'm not sure how useful it could be.
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 11/4/12
Posted: 8/12/13, 2:45 PM

yea i could find it to be useful quite useful to be honest