Registered User
Nbr post: 5
Register: 7/25/11
Posted: 7/25/11, 1:00 PM
Hello there,
im from germany but running the game in english and i play aswell on an EN-Server. But due any reason the profiles shows in german for me?
Is there a way to change this?
thx allready
[2011-07-25 17:13:04] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[2011-07-25 17:13:04] Using magelo-i18n[de]
[2011-07-25 17:13:05] Using magelo-i18n[de_DE]
[2011-07-25 17:13:05] Magelo Sync 4.2.0, Copyright (C) 2011 Magelo SA
[2011-07-25 17:13:05] Windows 7 6.1 x86
[2011-07-25 17:13:05] Java version 1.6.0_22
[2011-07-25 17:13:05] Europe/Berlin, de_DE, windows-1252
i think there is the problem, is there a way to make him use the english one?
Registered User
Nbr post: 5
Register: 7/25/11
Nbr post: 11493
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 7/25/11, 2:17 PM
No worry, glad you solved out. Profiles just like any pages on the website will default to your account language settings which is set in English in your case. So unless you switch to another language from the language selector, you should see only English links everywhere.
Registered User
Nbr post: 5
Register: 7/25/11
Posted: 7/25/11, 8:25 PM
and btw cool you brought this to rift aswell, i used magelo long time ago when i played everyquest, so keep going the good work you have my vote and aswell my money hehe. Will gladly extend the 10 day trial premium account.
Nbr post: 11493
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 7/26/11, 2:28 AM
Thanks for your vote and your support tagori !