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Nbr post: 35
Register: 8/1/11
Posted: 8/4/11, 5:39 AM
I might come up with a lot of things to do Jelan, so I apologize for that now once and for all .
I would like to browse the recipe list a character can craft just like the way we can browse our inventory. I know the information is there in "My guild", but I would not mind being able to browse that list outside the guild setting and for unguilded characters as well.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/4/11, 5:51 AM
I might come up with a lot of things to do Jelan, so I apologize for that now once and for all
I have only only 3 words for you: keep them coming ! 
Good idea for the recipes, should be done fairly soon.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/5/11, 9:19 AM
Registered User
Nbr post: 35
Register: 8/1/11
Posted: 8/5/11, 2:19 PM
I noticed. TY!
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Nbr post: 35
Register: 8/1/11
Posted: 8/6/11, 9:14 AM
Could you also add the select a character similar to the drop list in "My inventory"?
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Nbr post: 5
Register: 10/4/01
Posted: 8/7/11, 3:50 PM
In the same line of ideas, is it possible to have a check box on receipes so that they show (or don't) ?
I would like to link to my guild what i can craft but don't want them to be swamped in the low level / useless ones.
I know could link each one by one, but i was looking for one link to my (public) receipies, if you see what i mean.
Edit : or maybe, instead of public / non public filter, having a "category" like the filters you made by default (Category / Rarity ones). Something like "usefull / most used" filter, and i am the one selecting receipes to put into that filter
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/8/11, 5:39 AM
No problem Raimla, we can add a filter by character.
About the filter "useful / most used" you asked for Cwell, actually we thought about it and maybe it will be more useful to update the "Rarity" filter by "Minimum rarity", so that you will be able to select a range of recipe qualities. Now are you aware all your guild members can browse the guild recipes in the "My guild" page?
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Nbr post: 5
Register: 10/4/01
Posted: 8/8/11, 12:37 PM
Yes, i'll link that and let them browse.
I had 2 ideas in mind : a Guild Raid filter listing those we would need / use for raids, so they can farm those particular components, and a General one where i'd put those i find neat.
The point was more about not spamming them with useless bleu/purple receipes (there are lots of those) and add a couple very cool ones (the 50% drain life for 12 sec as an exemple)
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/13/11, 5:11 AM
I see Cwell,
We will try to come up with additional filters and even rate the recipes, starting with the source of the recipes for example (drop is much more likely to be appealing than one purchased from a regular vendor).
We would rather avoid manual micro management if possible as the vast majority of players will just not use it at all.
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Nbr post: 35
Register: 8/1/11
Posted: 8/15/11, 5:26 AM
And a filter to filter for a profession? There are quite a few consumables and to be able to split them up a bit further would be very welcome .
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 8/15/11, 9:05 AM
Yep Raimla, this is something we already planned to do
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Nbr post: 35
Register: 8/1/11
Posted: 8/15/11, 9:12 AM