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Messages in topic: Source Machine Lists (and pull down)
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Nbr post: 7
Register: 12/12/11
Posted: 12/12/11, 9:23 PM

MANY if not ALL raider guilds have their members create source machines that are focused towards a particular resistance.

It would be very helpful if your site supported an interface for people to save different source machines and name them (Such as Death DPS, Death Tank). Then allow them to be selected in a pull down menu on the character profile page.

As an alternative they could have their own page where they are listed in a table format. This would help members keep their guild leaders updated on the status of their source machines.

Thank you!

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/14/11, 10:58 AM

Hi maddbomber83,

I wonder if more broadly people wouldn't want to have a specific profile rather than a specific planar focus... For a given resistance, people might want to equip specific items and not just a specific focus.

We have the alternate profiles on our road map which should address this pretty well.