Name | Level | Category | Zone | Drop rate |
Ashwind Striker | 1 | Demihuman | < 1% 1 of 102 | |
Ashen Blooddancer | 40 | Humanoid | Runic Descent | < 1% 1 of 124 |
Leatherpad Prowler | 40 | Beast | Runic Descent | < 1% 1 of 135 |
Baleful Deadhand | 40 | Humanoid | Runic Descent | < 1% 1 of 194 |
Baleful Runesword | 40 | Humanoid | Runic Descent | < 1% 1 of 206 |
Darksnarl Mongrel | 29 | Beast | Iron Pine Peak | < 1% 1 of 265 |
Corrupted Runeguard | 40 | Humanoid | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 406 |
Shadebound Hellion | 40 | Fae | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 529 |
Abyssal Blademaster | 40 | Humanoid | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 2 of 1581 |