Name | Level | Category | Zone | Drop rate |
Frenzied Fury | 38 | Fae | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 148 |
Abyssal Carapoid | 38 | Demihuman | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 162 |
Aelfwar Weaver | 1 | Humanoid | < 1% 1 of 164 | |
Sobek Defiler | 38 | Humanoid | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 213 |
Gorvahtic Corruptor | 38 | Planar | Moonshade Highlands | < 1% 1 of 411 |
Blackclaw Berserker | 38 | Demihuman | Droughtlands | < 1% 1 of 845 |