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Zardonis' Bladedancer Crystal

Runebreakable : 226

Sell for : No value

Zardonis' Bladedancer Crystal

Bind on pickup Synergy Crystal
Zardonis' Shadow Garb (0/4) Zardonis' Bladedancer Crystal (2): The Rogue's Attack Power is increased by 8 whenever a Critical Hit is dealt with a Bladedancer's damaging attack. This effect can stack up to 10 times. Lasts 15 seconds. (3): Increases Attack Power by 35. (4): The Rogue gains 100 Attack Power for 15s after using a Rhythmic Action.
Item Level 95 Requires Level 50 Calling: Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 226)
No value
Merchant: Quartermaster Nysmen
Zone: Sanctum
Merchant: Nyemeng Quanem
Zone: Meridian

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