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Heretic's Faetouched Mace

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 69 7

Heretic's Faetouched Mace

Bind on equip One Hand Mace
Damage per second: 496.5 938-1743 damage every 2.7 sec
Intelligence +160 Wisdom +251 Endurance +173 Hit +125 Spell Power +2017 Crit Power +156
Equip: Grants a chance for your damaging Critical Hits to deal an additional 0 to 0 Water damage.
Item Level 725 Requires Level 65 Calling: Warrior Cleric Rogue Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
69 7
Recipe: Heretic's Faetouched Mace
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (450)

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