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Haldon, Reason's Prison

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 10 35 21

Haldon, Reason's Prison

Bind on pickup Two Handed Staff
Damage per second: 899.2 1888-3507 damage every 3.0 sec
Intelligence +674 Wisdom +462 Endurance +477 Hit +350 Spell Power +5621 Crit Power +484
Equip: Your damaging attacks have a chance to grant you 1535 Spell Power for 15 seconds. Equip: Critical Hits may enflame up to 5 enemies near your target dealing 0 to 0 damage.
Item Level 945 Requires Level 65 Calling: Cleric Mage Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
10 35 21
Upgraded from: Staff of Broken Reason

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