| Bastionbirthed: Greaves of the Erupting Volcano | 371 | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionbirthed: Legplates of Flowing Magma | 371 | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Battleplate of the Architects | | 60 | Chest | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Broodlord's Wargreaves | | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Chestplate of Collective Consciousness | | 60 | Chest | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Courageous Greaves of Awakening | 360 | 60 | Gloves | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Demon Killer's Lanyard | 360 | 60 | Belt | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Devourer Fang Belt | 360 | 60 | Belt | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Earthquake Stompers | | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Greaves of the Erupting Volcano | 371 | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Heavenforged Greathelm | | 60 | Helmet | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Helm of the Darkstar Titan | | 60 | Helmet | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Legplates of Flowing Magma | | 60 | Legs | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Marus' Stalagmite Vambraces | | 60 | Gloves | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tempest's Gauntlets | 360 | 60 | Gloves | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tempest's Girdle | 360 | 60 | Belt | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tempest's Greatboots | 360 | 60 | Feet | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Pauldrons of Uno | 360 | 60 | Shoulders | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Sabatons of Unending Rage | 360 | 60 | Feet | Plate | |
| Bastionforged: Shoulderplates of the Second Son | 360 | 60 | Shoulders | Plate | |