| Bastionbirthed: Britches of the Devilish Trickster | | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionbirthed: Legguards of the Molten Sea | 371 | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Black Gloves of Corruption | 360 | 60 | Gloves | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Black Sash of Vengeance | 360 | 60 | Belt | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Britches of the Devilish Trickster | 371 | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Bugstomp Legwraps | 360 | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Cowl of Sinister Covenants | | 60 | Helmet | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Deepstone Hide Obi | 360 | 60 | Belt | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Earthshaper's Granite Bracer | 360 | 60 | Gloves | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Flayed Burrower Wrap | 360 | 60 | Belt | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Footpads of Bloody Rage | 360 | 60 | Feet | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Gatewalker's Pauldrons | | 60 | Shoulders | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Hood of the Fallen Colossi | 360 | 60 | Helmet | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Legguards of the Molten Sea | | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tactician's Footwraps | 360 | 60 | Feet | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tactician's Handguards | 360 | 60 | Gloves | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Molten Tactician's Silentstrap | 360 | 60 | Belt | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Planedefiler's Footpads | 360 | 60 | Feet | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Royal Chitin Leggings | | 60 | Legs | Leather | |
| Bastionforged: Slinkers of the Stormgate | 360 | 60 | Feet | Leather | |