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Espyr'On, Voice of the Hive

Runebreakable : 376

Sell for : 9 9 69

Espyr'On, Voice of the Hive

Bind on pickup Two Handed Hammer
Damage per second: 345.1 918-1705 damage every 3.8 sec
Intelligence +191 Wisdom +236 Endurance +177 Hit +156 Spell Power +2287
Equip: Touch of the Amber Queen: Single Target Healing and Absorb abilities, and Lifebound Veil healing done to your Synthesis target, have a chance to heal for an additional 2974 to 0 health.
Item Level 371 Requires Level 60 Calling: Warrior Cleric Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
9 9 69
Upgraded from: The Queen's Rule

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