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Kain's Hunt: Lashtail

Level : 32

Zone : Scarwood Reach

Start : Unknown

End : Adela Anka

Repeatable : Always
 Kain Hunting Token

Notoriety :
+500 Iron Claw Trappers

Money : 9 41

XP : 2160

Kain's Hunt: Lashtail

Deliver Lashtail's Scale Trophy to Adela Anka at Kain's Command.


As a trophy of your slaying of Lashtail, you pulled off a distinctive scale. Turn the trophy in to Adela Anka at Kain's Command to increase your standing with the hunters there.

Upon completion

Impressive work, [%class]! You managed to kill Lashtail all by yourself? This scale will look great mounted on a wall. Here is your token, hunter. By my count, haven't you collected enough? Or am I confusing you with someone else?

zsazsa - 5 years ago
Lashtail is found at the very top of the big tree in Auldwarden at 2969,3963. He is gargoyle, has approximetaly 7500 health and hits hard

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