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Reclaiming What's Ours

Level : 26

Zone : Deepstrike Mines

Start : Asha Catari

End : Asha Catari

Choose one of these rewards :
 Sourcelink Mittens
 Sourcewoven Wraps
 Sourcestudded Gloves
 Sourcemade Gaunlets

Notoriety :
+300 Granite Falls

Money : 15 73

XP : 5400

Reclaiming What's Ours

Asha Catari asks that you disable the Eth device within Deepstrike Mines. To do this, you must remain on the platform long enough for the device to overload.
  • Disable the Eth Device


Alsbeth used me to place an Eth device here that opened a death rift, unleashing all the death energy on this place. She fooled us, all of us, into coming here so that she could take Port Scion. I want to get that device disabled, and one day, I will hopefully be able to smash it against her face.

Upon completion

Even though it is difficult to look at this and be reminded of the part I played, I am glad this is back in our hands and out of the Endless Court's.

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