Ascended! You're here! Communication between the pelagic layers is so unreliable, I wasn't sure you would get my message. That's the mystery, don't you see? We Ghar can't cross the pelagic barrier, so how did they get it?
I'm getting ahead of myself. A few days ago I received thanks from Ghar Station Rosh for the delivery of a new Memory Extractor. But Station Mem is the only outpost with a working memory extractor. We didn't, couldn't send it. So how did it get there? Who? What? Why?
We need these answers Ascended.
Upon completion
Lord Arak eh? I had a dream about him once. Wasn't half as scary as some of the stories I had heard about Telara. Is it true that the Kelari built their homeland over an active dwarfcano? When the pressure builds up too much they'll get all sweaty and then boom! Beardclastic bombs raining destruction everywhere.
But that's one mystery solved. Well done Proje- Ascended.