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A Hero's Reward

Level : 52

Zone : Ember Isle

Start : Solya Karini

End : Darius


Notoriety :
+200 The Keepers

Money : 33 85

XP : 5490

A Hero's Reward

Solya Karini wants you to speak with Darius at Ember Watch to the southeast.


Thanks to your efforts, our position here on Ember Isle is stronger than it's ever been. Though we have much to do before we can confront Maelforge, I think it is time to turn our attention to the Sourcewells. Seek out the Keepers of the Flame and offer your aid. An Ascended's skills are going to be in great demand for as long as the planar invasions threaten this island.

Upon completion

It is good to see you, Ascended! I was overjoyed to hear that Karris died by your hand, and I'm glad to have your assistance in defending the Sourcewells. A curious spirit has also taken notice of your deeds, [%name]. I tried to tell the creature that you have more important things to do than look after him, but he is a stubborn one. Perhaps you wouldn't mind taking him on your journeys as a companion?

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