Everywhere you go Progenitor, strange events seem to occur. Strange even for Draumheim. Something is happening, and you are probably the cause of it. I mean no disrespect, but all the problems of this plane do seem to be centered around you. I would bet good Manugo money it was the same on your world.
Don't look at me like that! This wasn't my opinion, you were the one that told me. You wrote it all down in your dream journals. Did you lose them? Well go and collect them and you will see how right you were. The world may not revolve around you, but its problems do.
Upon completion
Did you find the journals Progenitor? Hello? Why you look like you've seen a ghost! Well I imagine you've seen quite a few of those already. What could have caused this?
Hello? Don't want to talk about it? Hmm... Nothing. Well I suppose that's your choice.
Just know that if you keep all that guilt to yourself it's going to affect your sleep. You'll give yourself nightmares.