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Bloodthirster's Abhorrent Stilleto

Tradeskill : Weaponsmith

Difficulty : 450 455 460 465

Bloodthirster's Abhorrent Stilleto

Weaponsmith (450)

Imperishable Darkness (1)
Thalasite Bar (25)
Fused Sarfiber (25)
Thalasite Crystal (15)
Ethereal Flux (10)
Shell Grinding Stone (10)

Merchant: Eulalia Althar
Zone: Meridian
Merchant: Rutzenz
Zone: Sanctum


Bloodthirster's Abhorrent Stilleto

Bind on equip One Hand Dagger
Damage per second: 620.6 782-1452 damage every 1.8 sec
Strength +160 Dexterity +251 Endurance +173 Hit +125 Crit Power +156
Equip: Grants a chance for your damaging Critical Hits to deal an additional 0 to 0 Water damage.
Item Level 725 Requires Level 65 Runebreakable (Runecrafter 376)
This item can be upgraded into another item.
53 14
Recipe: Bloodthirster's Abhorrent Stilleto
Tradeskill: Weaponsmith (450)

41 - 50 (1)51 - 60 (4)60+ (2)

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